The Battle for the Mind | Deep Fake | Week 4
Consider asking your group how easily they can identify the lies of the enemy. Share that this is a skill that grows easier with practice so there is no pressure to be great at this. It is also easier done in community. We need other people to speak into our lives and the stories we are believing. Invite your group to share if community has helped them identify lies that they are believing.
Satan targets our identity, calling, and community in Jesus Christ. Our identity as God’s child and representative comes under attack. So does our calling to make disciples of all nations and live in a community of love. However, Jesus has armed us with powerful weapons to resist satanic attacks. The problem is that we often ignore, minimize, or accept the satanic lies that lead to false and oppressive thinking.
We do not use the weapons that the world does; instead, we have weapons that have divine power. We demolish arguments and every pretense that sets itself again the knowledge of God. We rebuke the devil’s lies with God’s word and promises. We deny the devil’s lies through repentance and obedience. We also worship the Lord without reservation or shame and that combats the work fo the enemy.
Discussion Questions
- If you have not used these divine weapons, how do they make you feel? (Do they seem insufficient, impossible to carry, etc?)
- Which of these divine weapons are you best at using?
2 Corinthians 10 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
After reading the passage aloud, make space for five to ten minutes of silence. Invite the Spirit to search hearts and consider prompting the group with a few questions.
- In what ways are we waging war as the world does?
- Does it seem that our weapons have divine power?
- Are we willing to change our lives to partner with that divine power?
- What strongholds exist in your life?
- What regular thoughts do you need to take captive?
After the silence, invite people to share some of their responses and pray for each other. Seek clarity for next steps, make space for repentance, and help one another combat the lies of the enemy.
Pray for a spirit ready to use the weapons of divine power to combat the attacks of the enemy. Commit to praying for one another throughout the week.